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Ensemble Concepts for Band - Fundamental Level


VERLAG: Hal Leonard
The highly acclaimed ensemble method by Eddie Green, John Benzer and David Bertman is now available for beginning and intermediate musicians. Ensemble Concepts - Fundamental Level is designed to help young ensembles (1st to 2nd year) acquire solid performance skills while also developing overall
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Subtitle Bassoon
Autor David Bertman
Verlag Hal Leonard
Instrumentierung Fagott
Produktformat Buch
Instrument Group Blasorchester
Erscheinungsjahr 2006
ISBN 9780634094507
UPC 073999350999
Serie Essential Musicianship Band
Seitenzahl 16
No. HL00960113
The highly acclaimed ensemble method by Eddie Green, John Benzer and David Bertman is now available for beginning and intermediate musicians. Ensemble Concepts - Fundamental Level is designed to help young ensembles (1st to 2nd year) acquire solid performance skills while also developing overall musicianship. Every aspect of ensemble development is introduced individually, in developmental order, then combined for more advanced practice. The exercises fit easily into your warm-up routine, saving you precious rehearsal time. Also available: Ensemble Concepts - Intermediate Level (2nd and 3rd year students) Ensemble Concepts (advanced level)